Wes Baker

I’m a programmer who lives in Fredericksburg, VA. I enjoy board games, puzzles, and making things work. When I’m not in front of a screen of some sort, I’m probably spending time with my wife, my sons, my animals, my board games, or my books. Check out what I’m up to now, see what tools I’m currently using, or follow me on Mastodon.

Too Well Read

February 14th, 2011

Seeking advice is addicting and can become a proxy for action. […] Be suspicious of lists, advice, and lists of advice. That comes from…


August 28th, 2010

In my career, there are plenty of folks with plenty of opinions and they all can build their own soapbox. One thing that comes up time and…

Being Genuine

August 9th, 2010

My attention is a fickle sort, it flits back and forth between topics on Philosophy, Psychology, Business, Design and Programming. The idea…