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Writing Code and Managing a Team

I currently work at Shopify. I’m a development manager which means I manage a team, write code, and work with product, design, and engineering to deliver a compelling product.

Personal Projects

I write and maintain a number of personal programming projects to scratch various itches I have:

3D Printing

This is my newest hobby, and therefore, the one I’m most into at the moment. I bought a Prusa i3 MK3S, an EPAX X1, and a Sonic Mini 4K and unless they’re broken, they’re probably printing something.

Roleplaying Games

Before 3D printing, roleplaying were my newest hobby and I still do a fair amount of reading and playing, but I've started to decrease the number of games I run and play in to a reasonable number. I still very much enjoy it, but I'm more realistic about how much I can actually play these days. I always want more though because there's so much out there.

Board Games

Before all of the above, there were board games and I still play them, but I've reached the point in the hobby and my life where I'm generally playing (and buying) fewer games. I used to buy nearly 100 games a year (and resell a bunch of those) and now I generally buy less than 10 in a year, which is still a lot. Additionally, members of my game group have moved away and kids can make playing games just a little bit harder.